May Travels
The month of May tends to spark a want to travel in us. For those who can't travel during May we offer an alternative!🥰Pinot's Palette offers Paint🎨 and Sip🍷 Events to give you a chance to travel to another place🌎.
During the month of May, we offer beaches, waterfalls, and mountains by the lake scene. You can literally travel anywhere with your paintbrush!
Want to go on a safari? We got you, paint a colorful giraffe🦒! For those who admire everything about a bee🐝, we have two different events that spotlight our helper bees🐝.
Do you like fresh-cut flowers💐? Paint🎨 them and have them for the whole season without wilting away💖.
Check out all of the May-themed events we have scheduled this month!
Catch up with your friends and have a night🌙 out with us.