Everything Happens for a Reason
Everything happens for a reason and how Rod and I happened upon Pinot’s Palette is no exception.
So here’s the story: It was time we do a meet a greet with Rod’s son and his girlfriend…a no pressure, no worries, it’s all good kind of meet and greet. What exactly could that be…coming to the house for dinner seemed too formal, going to the movies, well, too distant. Lisa had attended a paint and sip event earlier in the year and thought it was fun--It seemed like the perfect activity (no pressure, no worries, all good,)for a meet and greet. That is how we happened upon the premier paint and sip studio In Ellicott City,—There it was, Pinot’s Palette. Paint. Drink. Have Fun. At the time, Lisa swears she heard the heavenly voices resounding in her head. This would be perfect. We picked a date and time and a picture that resembled a Vincent Van Gogh—so we were all off to a Friday night class and painted a beautiful moonlit water scene. It was a great bonding moment for all of us—we painted, we drank and we had fun. The instructor was fabulous; Rod even won the trivia question game.
A few weeks later, Lisa received an email blast from Pinot’s Palette—“You have a chance to own Pinot’s Palette Studio”, it said. “Hmmmmmm”, she says was all I thought and then moved on. But, that email stuck with her. Now, she gets hundreds of emails between work and life so why was this one moving in and out of her thoughts. Mind you, Lisa has a full and rewarding career with the government, helping homeless and at risk Veterans become housed and reintegrate back into society. Furthermore, we weren’t looking for a business—so she sat on that nagging email for exactly one week and couldn’t shake it. In her gut, she knew it wasn’t about restlessness—it was something more.
Since, both Rod andLisa believe nothing is a coincidence; that everything happens for a reason we just have to be open to seeing it and acting on it, Lisa decided to follow my gut. She forwarded that email to Rod. His excitement and interest was immediate. That night we talked. Rod was exactly right where Lisa was moving towards. The concept, the opportunity, the fact that it was an established business all seemed like something we wanted to pursue. So, we embarked on our journey.
We have owned the studio now for almost a month. As we move along this journey, it couldn’t feel more right. We have already met so many wonderful people who are unleashing their inner artist. We have met giving and kind people who have held fundraisers at our studio, and we have been graced with watching children create, have fun and enjoy the opportunity to be an artist. These experiences make us even more convinced this is the exact right fit for us.
Nothing is a coincidence…and our journey with getting introduced to Pinot’s Palette is no coincidence. We are positive that eventually all the pieces will fall into place, until then, we will live in the moment and know that everything happens for a reason.