Declutter All The Things!
Check these tips out:
There's no reason you have to try and get everything cleaned and organized in one day. Start by taking a few minutes here and there when you have some time to spare (clean out a single kitchen drawer while you wait for the oven to pre-heat or some water to boil). Work on small spaces first and once you get the hang of it (and realize how great it feels to declutter), you'll likely WANT to move on to larger spaces for greater periods of time.
Seven 5-Minute Decluttering Projects You Can Accomplish Today
We're al guilty of having things in our homes that have been sitting in the same spot for years. We say we need it and will eventually use it but who are we kidding? Try and think about the things your really don't EVER use and start with donating those items, first!
*Try the One-Month Cardboard Box Test
Not sure what you use and what you don’t in your kitchen? Here is a tried and true way to find out. Empty the contents of your kitchen utensils drawer into a cardboard box. For one month, put a utensil back into the drawer only if you take it out of the box to use it. If it’s still in the box after four weeks—you don’t need it. Pass it on to charity.
6 Golden Rules for Decluttering Your Kitchen
Purge Your Closet the Smart Way
Imagine a wardrobe that’s neat and orderly, where everything has a place and you never have to lean your entire bodyweight against a heaving clothes collection in order to shove an extra hanger in.
Believe it or not, some people do actually have wardrobes like this – and it not only makes putting things away easier, it also means less stress trying to piece an outfit together in the morning (Extra time in bed? Yes please!)
Turn all the clothes hanging in your closet so that the hangers face back-to-front. For the next six months, if you wear an item of clothing, return it to the closet with the hanger facing the correct way. If you try it on but decide not to wear it, make sure you put it back with the hanger turned backward—no cheating. Be prepared for a shock; you are going to find you own lots of clothes you have no use for. You should seriously consider getting rid of anything you don’t wear regularly.
Banish Paper Clutter for Good With This Simple System
Sit down in a spot where you have some room to work and go through all the paper in your box, piece by piece, sorting everything into three distinct stacks: to file, to shred and to recycle. If it helps, you can grab trays or boxes to collect each of these piles, but don’t waste too much time or energy on it — I prefer to just lay out three labeled sticky notes right on the floor, and build my piles below each.
Working piece by piece through your stack, here’s how to sort:
*To file: Anything you need to keep—whether long-term, like a benefits letter from your employer, or short term, like a receipt for the sweater you’re not sure about yet. Try to slim down each piece as much as you can before putting it into the file pile — remove papers from their envelopes and put needless enclosures and inserts aside to be recycled.
*To shred: Paper that you don’t need to keep, but that has potentially sensitive information on it, like financial details, that requires shredding.
*To recycle: Everything else. (Including those envelopes and inserts from above.)
Everything in your recycle pile? Dump it into the recycling bin right now.
Everything that you set aside to shred — handle it right away, even if your method is tearing it up by hand. (And for the future, if you can’t justify the cost or space needed for a shedding machine, I use $10 shredding scissors to remove sensitive info from my documents before tossing them.)
Once you’ve finished your sorting, you should only have one pile left: “To file.” Take another pass through each item in the pile, and sort it into one of two final fates depending on how long you anticipate hanging on to each piece: short term and long term. Take the long-term stuff and get it into order right now, into the proper file cabinet or storage bin. Then take the short-term stuff and drop it into tray or a decorative basket — something that you scrounge up from somewhere else in your space, but move it to the (former) paper pile’s spot (on the kitchen counter or dining room table or wherever).
****Save these things for LAST! Your sentimental items are the things that have memories attached to them in some way. Whether they were given to your by someone special or played a part in a memorable time in your life, these objects are just material things and not ALL of them need to stay with you, physically!
**10 Ways to Get Rid of Sentimental Clutter:
The hardest things to let go of are the ones that have sentimental value attached to them. The memories of where or who they came from, usually outweigh our lack of space for them, but not as many things are sentimental as most people think. Clothing that reminds us of a specific day, gifts that someone gave you that you feel bad about getting rid of, and other items that we Preallyhave no use for can be serious looked at and sorted.
Once you've decluttered and organized your home, you might be eager to do a little redecorating! Come in to make some art of your own in one of our painting and wine classes. Our calendar is filled with tons of amazing artwork for every type of person and NO prior painted experience is needed! Come in with your loved ones and make some lovely artwork to hang in your nice, clean, and clutter-free home!
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