How Would You Describe the Perfect Date Activity?
No matter how long you have been with that special person, planning ideal date activities can be challenging - especially in a time when we are so busy, pre-occupied and connected to technology.
In the beginning, dating is the way we get to know each other better or to see if we are a good fit. Many times conversation is light and playful. Once you are in a committed relationship, unfortunately, it can be harder to find that lighthearted, playful type of conversation. It’s easy to get sucked into the day to day stresses that carry into most of what we do together as a couple.
Finding engaging and fun things to do together is necessary in building and maintaining successful relationships. The best types of activities are those that allow us to learn something new about ourselves and the other person. They are activities that encourage playfulness and laughter, a break from daily pressures and routines. The ideal date activity encourages us to be less serious about ourselves and our circumstances and more focused on the other person. The ideal date activity makes it easy to spend time together.
Stop for a moment and imagine how you would feel after spending a couple of hours together on this type of date? It definitely feels different than grabbing a quick bite to eat, half listening to each other while glancing at cell phones on the table. It feels different than spending time together talking about day to day activities, family, finances, politics or jobs. It definitely feels different than spending time with another person, struggling just to find the right words to say.
Fed up with feeling disconnected, stressed or lonely? Agree to put current day events and technology on hold, if only for a couple of hours. Commit to doing something FUN and lighthearted with someone special!