Earth Day Is April 22! What Can You Do To Help Our Planet?
From our childhood days of learning about ways to help the environment and do our part, to becoming adults and actually having the resources to do as much as we can, this has always been a special day for humankind. The Earth is our only home and we’ve been taught, all of our lives, that we’re responsible for doing whatever we can to help it remain a great home; As we, our children, and future generations will be inhabiting this planet, it’s up to us to make it clean and beautiful. Let’s all remember to conserve as much as we can and give back to our Mother Earth, reducing our carbon footprint, each and every day, in some way.
We’ve listed some ideas for how you can help (and teach the little ones to help), not only on Earth Day, but every day, as well as ways to recycle old objects into new ones!
*** Ways you can help! (Not just on April 22, but everyday!) ***
-Plant something (like a tree)
Trees are a big part of our earth, and planting one will just add to the health and wellness of the world that we live in.
-Ride a bike, walk, or carpool
If you are in a situation where you can actually walk, ride your bike, or carpool in order to get from place to place, then it may be time for you to consider that. The fewer cars on the road, the better off that we will be when it comes to our atmosphere.
-Get produce from a local Farmer’s Market
Support local farmers who take careful measures to make their produce, clean, healthy, and chemical-free
-Switch all of your bills to paperless
switching all of your bills to e-bills and online invoices can save millions of trees every single year? It’s true! If you are in a position where you can do that without making everything more confusing and stressful, then you definitely want to look at the different things that you can do in the long run.
-Fix leaky faucets
Did you know that this wastes a lot of water on a yearly basis? If you haven’t done so yet, then you may want to look into how you can go ahead and get started with it during the next year.
-Stop drinking bottled water and start using a reusable one
There are plenty of alternatives out there and, if you stop drinking bottled water, you can save a lot of plastic that would, otherwise, be filling up landfills and dumps.
-Consider making your yard an oasis for birds and other creatures.
You can put in a bird feeder, install birdhouses, put in a bird bath, and more. By making it comfortable for them, they will be more likely to stick around.
-Buy reusable bags
Just like with water bottles, constantly using plastic and paper bags, then throwing them away is wasteful and really adds to the amount of garbage in landfills, each year.
*** Ways to turn “Trash” into “Treasure”! ***
While you can use any recyclable materials when crafting, turning something old into something new again, here at Pinot’s Palette, we’re big fans of all things WINE! Check out some of these DIY craft ideas for re-purposing empty bottles and corks; If you love wine as much as we do, you’re sure to have a large supply of them! :)
-Painted Vases
-Table Numbers (or other personalized decor)
-Signed Souvenirs
-Simple Centerpiece
-Twinkle Lights
-Bulletin Board
-Place card holders
-Jewelry Holder
-Monogram decor
*** Celebrate Earth Week Around The Naperville Area (April 22-28)
Join us for a painting and wine class on April 22, or any day of the year! We always have lots of gorgeous landscape paintings on the calendar, as well as animal-themed artwork. If you’re into organic subjects, like natural things, we’ve got you covered! Landscapes and floral paintings are some of our most popular subjects to paint, so check them out and see which paintings are coming up!
The painting we’re offering on April 22 is shown in the photo, above, and is one of our newest works of art! It will be painted on a LONG canvas, perfect for fitting into any space in your home. Customize the flower colors with those that fit your style best as you have a lot of fun, making this masterpiece!
BONUS: special price of only $30!
*Sign up for this class: https://www..../event/311831
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