National Day of Unplugging
Do you have multiple cell phones? Take your iPad to the beach on vacation? Ever find it hard to get through a conversation without posting an update to Facebook? Is your computer always on?We increasingly miss out on the important moments of our lives as we pass the hours with our noses buried in our phones, chronicling our every move through social media and shielding ourselves from the outside world with the bubble of “silence” that our earphones create.
If you recognize that in yourself – or your friends, families or colleagues— join us for the National Day of Unplugging, sign the Unplug pledge and start living a different life: connect with the people in your street, neighborhood and city, have an uninterrupted meal or read a book to your child.
The National Day of Unplugging is a 24 hour period – running from sundown to sundown – and starts on the first Friday in March. The project is an outgrowth of The Sabbath Manifesto, an adaption of our ancestors’ ritual of carving out one day per week to unwind, unplug, relax, reflect, get outdoors, and connect with loved ones.
25 Things To Do Unplugged
1. Reading a fantastic novel– bonus points if I am reading it with an actual book, as opposed to a Kindle.
2. Try a new recipe for dinner or dessert.
3. Spend some extra time with your pet, or visit a few animals at the local shelter.
4. Clean your room, your car, or your entire house.
5. Head to the gym.
6. Try a new restaurant.
7. Read a book.
8. Call your mom or grandma.
9. Go through your old photos for fun.
10. Play some board games.
11. Check out a museum.
12. Explore your town.
13. Do nothing - relax in the peace and quiet.
14. Visit with friends.
15. Take a dance class.
16. Craft your heart out.
17. Learn or play a card game - with real cards.
18. Go bowling.
19. Write something - a postcard, a journal, start a blog.
20. Volunteer somewhere.
21. Head to a local sports event or play.
22. Learn a new language
23. Go to a concert or a poetry reading.
24. Take a nap.
25. Create a memory - we hear Pinot's Palette is great for this one..
Whatever you do, stay unplugged. We dare you.
Call the studio today at 331-457-5440 for more information, or you can email us at
And don't forget to follow us for the latest updates and pictures!
Facebook: Pinot's Palette Naperville
Instagram: PinotsPaletteNaperville
Twitter: NapervillePinot
Snapchat: NapervillePinot
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