Girls’ Nights, Date Nights, and Artwork That’s ‘Off-The Canvas' At Pinot’s Palette!
**** GIRLS' NIGHT ****
Girls Night Out = Healthier Life
Did you know that time with girlfriends is a great stress-buster for women and they have an impact on their over all mood. It seems the when we’re around friends; the mood-elevating hormone oxytocin is released, increasing our feelings of euphoria. Studies have also found that women with abundant friendships decrease their risk of death. Meanwhile, a Harvard University Nurses’ Health Study concluded that not having regular contact with girlfriends was as detrimental to a woman’s health as smoking or putting on weight.
In a world where social media is king, face-to-face bonding is quickly becoming a thing of the past. But tweeting, Instagramming & Facebooking doesn’t give you the quality time a good old girls night will. Talking to your friends in the flesh you get a chance to have human contact and get out of your bubble.
Your friends keep you grounded. They know who you are. They’ve been with you through the ups and the downs. They put up with your quirks, your demands, and your crazy. You are the person you are today partly because of your friends. And the best way to remember that is with a girls’ night out on the town.
JOIN US for a fabulous night out with the bffs!
Sept 15th
Italian Wine Night! 🍷 Enjoy a flight of five wine-tasting pours. Our Heritage Wine Representative, Ettie, will be presenting the wines. This painting can be painted on one canvas or across two for a "Date Night" style. There will be snacks, too 🎉.
Italian wine tasting INCLUDED in the price 🥂
Sept 26th
Come into Pinot's Palette to create your very own personalized garden mosaic!
During this three-hour class, we will teach you the basics, supply you with everything you need and be there every step of the way to help you create a personalized piece to display in your garden.
---> 9/26 - ‘Colorful Curls’
*Have fun customizing this one!!!
I am colorful, confident, and classy! How do you define yourself?
**** DATE NIGHT ****
Everyday maintenance is valuable, but date night can add that something extra t any relationship! This special night out presents opportunities to openly discuss thoughts and feelings, maintain a cheerful and affectionate demeanor, and gives the partner assurances associated with commitment and satisfaction; it also predicts whether the relationship will last over an 8-week period, for those of you in the honeymoon period. Research shows that date nights have positive effects including a dedication to commitment, concern for the partner, more time to understand the significant other, shared fun time, and greater communication. If both members of a couple are willing to demonstrate these qualities, they are definitely long-term-relationship material.
Couples who build date nights into their relationships experience better communication, greater affection and gratitude for the other, and a desire to spend more time together. Date night provides a welcome entertainment so couples can return to focusing on important issues without distractions. The date night experience indicates that the partners are taking the relationship seriously and willing to invest in it. Both contribute to alleviating stress for the other during enjoyable events.
JOIN US for a night out where you'll paint, drink, and have fun!!!
Sept 19th
This immersive, expressive type of pour art painting is so cool! It is a fun experience, easy to make and looks very professional. Select the colors you want to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, specific to your taste and home’s décor.
Sept 21st
We'll get a charcuterie board lesson from Cynthia at ‘Busy Butternut' and paint Lavender Wave! Two classes in ONE! All supplies are included for the charcuterie class!
*Sign Up: https://www..../event/635712
---> 9/15 ‘Paris Rendezvous’
Enjoy a quiet and rainy stroll through the City of Love. Romance is in the air.
---> 9/29 'Ruby Red Romance'
Romance is in the air when painting this striking heart shaped cherry blossom tree.
Bring the beauty of Fall indoors! Our fall time artwork is by-far some of our most-loved of the whole year! Join us to make some decorations for you home this season.
We are offering Recorded Video Painting Kits ($35), Take Home Written Instruction Painting Kits ($20), In-Studio classes, Private Parties, & Mobile Events.
These are fun for the whole family!
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