Option for painters who have supplies.
Do you already have your own painting supplies?
Suggested supplies:
* Any size canvas or thick paper (you can use an old painting to paint over)
* Paint colors will be projected on the screen 15 minutes before the class begins.
* Brushes: Most classes require a 1/2 inch flat brush, 1/8 inch flat or round brush.
* Other supplies: Paper plate for painting and mixing, Paper Towel, Canvas, Water Cup, Apron or Painting Shirt, Table Cover or another protective surface.
Registrants will receive a link to the class on the day of the event approximately one hour prior to class. It will include instructions to get set up on your computer or mobile device.
If you experience technical issues during the live class or are unable to attend, a recording of the class will be available for four (4) days following the event.
As always, if you have any questions, please call us at 331-457-5440 or email the studio at naperville@pinotspalette.com.
We look forward to painting with everyone.