Is There A ‘Right' or ‘Wrong’ To Making Art?
If you have gone to art museums or galleries you will see everything you could possibly imagine and you may or may not like everything you see.
But, the question is...
Absolutely Not.
There is no right or wrong in art.
It is an individual expression. It's a passion. It's a reflection of one’s inner self. Everyone has it in them. Art is a medium to bring it out and to share. Get in touch with your inner artist in some way, as often as you can. From sketching at home to joining us in the studio for a class, only good things will come from your creating!
We’d say most of our guests, just like anyone pursuing something new, come to us feeling as though they aren’t experienced enough. The beauty of art is that there is no right or wrong in it. It is just the expression of life. It’s an expression of you… of how you feel, what you love, and who you are, perhaps more profound than you can express with words.
While our classes feature paintings of landscapes, flowers, animals, and people… and yes, we teach everyone the same painting, step by step….
But that is the beauty of it: You get to follow along with an entire class (guided by a talented and helpful instructor), learning what to do, in detailed depth. If you, like most of our customers, come to us, unsure if you can even paint, THIS is the perfect setting to show you that YES, you can!
And while trying something new is always a great option… we want you to think about other things that you or others might select as a pastime….
Cooking, knitting, reading, sewing, skiing,
Read the recipes wrong, you’ve got a burned or salty dish on your hands.
Read the book wrong, you’ll miss a lot of the details that make it so captivating.
Sew in any direction, and you’ve got yourself a shirt that you can’t slip your arms through.
And so on….
Just like the days of grade school where the answers are either RIGHT or WRONG in every class you take…
The beauty of art is that you can truly do anything you want to your personal expression, and it works! As long as you are taking what moves you and letting it out on the paper or canvas, you’re doing it right!
How do You Define What is Art?
3+3 in the art can equal 5, 20, 6, 55, or whatever you want it to be. You make the rules.
You can put a Popsicle stick next to a cotton ball and say it is art. Some people sell works like this for insane amounts of money. To us, they look like trash. If you ever become famous as an artist for your Popsicle stick pieces, please send us some royalties.
And true for many, you may likely say, “that is rubbish, that is not art!”.
Well, it is actually, if the artist thinks it is. We could go down a very large rabbit hole on that point but let us not digress.
“Art is in the eye of the beholder"
Art is limitless and without rules.