DIY Crafts From Recyclables!
You don’t need difficult materials to come up with cute and clever crafts for the kids, and even yourself!
Get creative with some easy DIY crafts using everything from plastic containers and cardboard boxes, to empty toilet paper rolls (and judging by the news everyone must have 8 million rolls of toilet paper at all times…). :)
Check out these fun and entertaining craft ideas, all made from recyclable materials:
Make a playable guitar.
This is a fun sensory play activity for small children who are just starting to learn about sound and music. The guitar is very easy and fast to make and your kids will have fun playing with it long after they have completed the craft. They will probably learn a few things along the way as well.
Make a file organizer.
Make a cereal box file organizer, inspired by Martha Stewart. This would be perfect for the office or for back-to-school.
*More Fun Craft Ideas: https://www....-box-projects
*** CORKS ***
Let's be real, Moms... It’s been rough these past weeks and you may have been upping your intake of wine. #NoJudgementHere.
Check out these craft ideas for leftover wine bottles and corks:
Milk Carton Cars
Your little car enthusiast will love these milk carton play cars with recycled tops for wheels.
Carton Bird Feeder
Make a cute and easy owl bird feeder to get your kids excited about nature and feeding the birds!
*More Ideas: https://www....-pack-crafts/
Any other food packaging that can be cleaned and repurposed is perfect for crafting with!
If you have empty containers like butter, cool whip, and any other plastic, clean containers, these are great for painting with outdoor paint, drilling a hole in the bottom, and popping a potted plant in!
There’s no end to the creative ways to decorate these recycled planters and they make a thoughtful gift, too!
(Coffee Containers):
(Pringles Cans): https://www....s-can-crafts/
***TOILET PAPER TUBES (Or paper towel tubes)
This shark is more sweet than scary.
Fire-Breathing Dragons
Kiddos can make the flames fly by blowing into these cardboard dragons.
*And More: https://www....-roll-crafts/
*** BONUS: Egg Carton Flower Wreath
Prepare your front door for the nice weather by getting the family together for craft time. Upcycled from egg cartons and old magazines, this wreath will take a lot of cutting, painting and assembling that you can work on as a family. While you work, talk about what you are looking forward to this spring.
Get the tutorial: https://ourp...arton-wreath/
If you’re looking for other ways to get creative at home, check out our virtual classes and out take-home paint kits!
Both are excellent options for all of the members of your family as we all stay home, stay safe, and make some masterpieces and memories together!
*Learn all about them here: