August 15th Is ‘National Relaxation Day’! What Are Some Ways To Relax and De-Stress?
August 15 is ‘National Relaxation Day’ and we can’t think of a better, unofficially holiday to spend our time participating in!
Sean Moeller founded National Relaxation Day in 1985 as a fourth-grader. In an interview with Valerie Monson in The Des Moines Register Sean suggested people shouldn’t do anything of real value. He said that cleaning and real work are not part of relaxation.
Moeller is an American businessman who is the founder and former head of the music recording company/studio Daytrotter. Moeller used to be a writer for the Quad-City Times and you can thank him for the discovery of a lot of the great music we know and love, today!
We’ve found some great ways to help you relax and hope that you can try a few of them on this special, annual day, dedicated to relaxing, de-stressing, and just taking a breather from the hectic days of life. Hey… there’s a whole day set aside just for you to relax, so take advantage of it and even if you can’t celebrate on that day (it’s on a Wednesday), try and take a day from that week and utilize those 24 hours, just for you!
**Here are some great ways to utilize ‘National Relaxation Day'
(1) Read a book
Transport yourself to another world for a while as you read whatever type of material moves you. Even just flipping through a magazine and reading an article or two can instantly de-stress you, so visit your library or download some digital books and get going on your next, novel adventure. Whether you can spare 20 min or a few hours, take advantage of this relaxing and inexpensive hobby that can be done anywhere and read some great books, ASAP!
*27 of the best books to read this Summer: https://www....r-reads-2018/
(2) Partake in a relaxing activity like Fishing or hiking with a friend (or alone)
Take advantage of all of this warmth and sunshine and get outside to relax! Before you know it, the cool weather will set in and we'll be longing for the easy days of Summer, so get out there and get in touch with nature as you take on a relaxing pastime. Fishing and golf have been reported as some of the best relaxing ways to be active. Fish alone or with a friend on a lovely, serene pond, have some wine or beer, and just enjoy the world around you while you relax. Head to the driving range to hit a few balls around or head to the greens for a game with your buddies. A light, easy hike is always a good way to take in some natural beauty and you can stop for a picnic somewhere along the way!
(3) Do some light exercise like a Yoga class
We all know that exercise gives us endorphins, which help us feel happy! Partaking in a rigorous workout might not be the most exciting way to spend a day dedicated to relaxing, but a lighter form of exercise thats relaxing, like Yoga, is great! Not only will you get your endorphins going but you'll get in touch with your body's form and your breathing, making you feel relaxed and calmer. Whether you attend a class at a studio or gym, watch some videos on youtube, or already know some of the best moves for your body and mind, get those muscles moving and your mind, relaxing, as you strike a pose!
(4) Have a picnic in the park
When’s the last time you packed some food (don’t forget the wine), spread out a blanket, and just observed the gorgeous, natural world, around you? It’s a much more popular notion of the past, but picnics have always been something to do when there’s down-time and you want to take a break from stiff dinners at the table or crowded ones in a restaurant. Pick a soothing spot, like a beach or lake, and enjoy a carefree meal. Check out local places to picnic or hike and maybe even discover a section of your community you've never been before. Butterfly gardens, botanical gardens, berry fields, lakes or rivers, parks, and more other lovely areas all wonderful places to stop and relax for a while as you take in the beauty all around you.
(5) Walking along the beach or lounging by the pool
Bodies of water are typically associated with relaxation and vacations. Sit on a dock or pier as you watch a sunset. Lounge by the pool with a look in one hand and a cold drink in the other. Float around at a local lake; listen to the waves crash as you lay on the beach. Anywhere you can observe water will be a calming scene and one that you should try to go to, more often. Wherever you're able to spend some time near the water, be sure to take a book or magazine, some light and calming music, and of course, some sunscreen! Bring the family to spend time together or go alone and soak up that sun, all by yourself with only your thoughts and mental clarity in tow.
(6) Have a spa day
Whether you have a spa near you that you enjoy going to, find a great new place with some special deals (Groupon is always a great place to look), or just take some time for yourself at home, there's nothing like a spa day!
Make a home spa for less- Use some lavender oil in a diffuser, soak your feet in some Epsom salt water, take a warm bubble bath, and put on a relaxing playlist! Just doing one of those things on 'National Relaxation Day' will immediately calm and sooth your body and mind. Try to fit one of those at-home spa-type remedies into your life, every so often and see how your mood and stress-levels, instantly change!
*Buy an oil diffuser:
(7) Lunch or drinks with friends
Sitting down to relax with friends is always a great way to improve your mood. Catching up with one another while having a delicious meal or drink....having the luxury of nothing on the agenda but to just sit and talk... That's something that most of usdon't get to do as much these days, but should strive to make more time for! When you're out with friends (or even just having some down time at a friend's house), it's. great way to relax and reconnect with yourself as an individual and a friend. There’s no laundry to get up and fold, no kids to settle an argument between, and nothing else to distract you from relaxing and communicating with your peers.
(8) Do something creative!
Try out a new recipe, write some poetry, try your eye at taking photographs outside, and anything else that forces your to use your inner-crafty self and make some art (in one form or another).
*Science shows how creativity can reduce stress: https://www....rticle/300347
Being creative in some way has been proven to lessen stress as it takes your mind off of the everyday decisions, chores, and other stressors in life. Creating is essentially a "mindless" activity much of the time because you're using the right side of your brain which controls creativity and artistic abilities. The left side is logical, analytical, and methodical and the side you must use is the decision-making and task-completing things in your life (aka... the stressful stuff). So let that right brain roam free as you put to to good use and get in touch with your inner artist in some form or another!
Take a painting class!
Painting is relaxing because you tend to get lost in it. It's like meditation, where it’s very peaceful, serene, a kind of psychotherapy. Your right brain is at work which is non judgmental, so you forget all the worries you have for that period of time. It is an activity where you see an image in your mind and recreate it on the canvas, which is a very satisfying feeling. We are creators by nature and any craft or art can fulfill a need to share what we see as the beauty in our life. Art can transport us to another world, where only paint, brush strokes, and color exist.
Some of the proven benefits of painting:
1. Fosters Creative Growth
2. Strengthens Memory
3. Builds Problem-Solving and Motor Skills
4. Offers Stress Relief
5. Promotes an Optimistic Attitude
6. Nurtures Emotional Growth
Check out our calendar to see what we have coming up, throughout the rest of August and into September! We have an extra-special class coming up on August 26 where we'll paint, drink wine, and read poetry! That's THREE proven ways to relax, get artistic, and have fun... all in one class! Sign up ASAP for this one, as seats will fill up fast! (
In addition to the painting and poetry class, we've got some stunning landscapes, cityscapes, new paintings, ladies' night classes, a painted wine bottle class, and more! View the class information, sign up for the ones you like, and come on in to our studio where you'll paint, drink, and have fun! Our helpful staff will assist you with everything from pouring your wine, getting you paint refills, helping with your painting, and more! You are our guests and we want to be sure that you have a fun, relaxing, unique, and creative experience, each time you join us! One of our talented instructors will walk you through the painting, step by step, encouraging you the whole time (and helping you along the way), so don't be worried if you've never painted before... thats what we're here for! You're not alone, as the majority of our customers are first-time painters. Just remember to relax, have fun, and let your creativity shine through. You're sure to leave the class with a painting you love and some great memories as well!
Join us at our studio in Downtown Naperville and relax as you paint and sip wine! You can bring your friends and family along to spend time with them as you catch up and de-stress together. The company of loved ones is always great and for most of us, it assists in relaxation in many ways, but sometimes you might just need some time, away for yourself! You can stop in for a class, alone, and just immerse yourself in a new and creative environment where you can paint, enjoy some wine, some great music, and (if you wish), the company of others, as you meet some wonderful new people. Just taking some time for yourself to remember who you are as an individual, versus a spouse, parent, child, employee, chef, and the other things in life that consume our identity, everyday. Let your mind be free and open as you explore your artistic side, trying out some new paintings and seeing what you can make of them.
We hope to see you soon for a class at our studio if you’re looking for something fun to do in or around the Naperville area! We’re a great spot to visit for everything from a fun and unique date night, an awesome girls’ night out experience, and we even offer private events! When you view our classes on our website, you’ll be viewing our schedule for our public classes, but you can also book a painting party with the guest list of your choice! Come in to celebrate a birthday, bridal shower, reunion, retirement, and more with friends and family, sharing their artistic sides, together. Make not only art, but memories that will last a lifetime when you join us for a class, at Pinot's Palette, Naperville!
*Learn more about our private parties, here:
We also play host to tons of corporate events, too! Why not book your next work party or team building event with us? We offer several styles of paintings that incorporate team building strategies, encouraging the whole office to work together, creating a stunning world of art!
*Read more about corporate events, here: