The artist chooses to remain anonymous because the artwork is considered an illegal act of vandalism and was put up without the cities permission. However; we believe this “act of vandalism” is not only beautiful but has become somewhat of an anthem for Houstonians. The artist deciding to place this inspirational statement on I-45 is nothing short of a dream spot for graffiti, Houston’s finest real estate to maximize his viewership. The “Be Someone” artwork is seen by millions driving I-45 every day.
The artist had only been tagging around Houston for a year before he decided to paint “Be Someone” along with another phrase on the other side of the same bridge “REMuV hat! in September 2012.
Over the last year and a half the "Be Someone" art has been defaced and left to other graffiti artists to fix to the best of their abilities. It seems that other graffiti artists see the value in this piece as much as Houstonians do.
Many people already view this as a Houston Landmark, but it lacks the official approval and protection of the City of Houston.
A recent petition has asked for the famous "BE SOMEONE" graffiti piece to be named a protected landmark. Not only are Houstonians and Texans passionate about it but there are signatures from coast to coast. California to New York and even signatures from Mexico and Canada. The sign has been ingrained as a vital part of Houston's culture and who we are as a city.
For now, it seems "BE SOMEONE" will need to be a folk icon, and maybe that's better for everyone. The “Be Someone” artwork is available to anyone’s interpretation. Most believe that the statement itself means finding yourself, loving yourself and understanding yourself.
If you would like to paint your very own version of this iconic artwork, we would love to have you join us at Pinot’s Palette! We would love for you to come sip on your favorite beverage while you create your very own version of “Be Someone”. This painting is also fun for a girl’s night out, couples night or a bridal party. To sign up for this upcoming class at Pinot’s Palette Montrose Studio follow the link below.