Freshly Picked Roses

Freshly Picked Roses

There's nothing like a bouquet of freshly picked roses to give to that special someone. Give the gift of forever flowers to the one you love or create this painting for your own home--either way it's a win!

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Recorded Videos

PLEASE ALLOW AT LEAST ONE BUSINESS DAY FOR YOUR KIT TO BE READY FOR PICK UP. Paint at Home Kits may be picked up at our studio at our studio between 12 – 5 pm Monday through Friday, or anytime during a public class time. Please note in your reservation the date you would like to pick up. We will call or email you when your kit is ready for pick up.
Paint at Home Kits include everything you need to create your masterpiece including a 16"x20" or 10"x30" high quality canvas, paint, brushes, napkins, and mixing palette. You will receive an email with login instructions on how to access your video link. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to access your video within the first 7 days of purchasing. Once accessed, you will have 30 days to watch it. Videos can be easily viewed through any internet connected smart device.
You will need the following: water, water cup, covered area to paint and apron or paint clothes.
No Discounts, COMPS or Refunds allowed for Take Home Kits.

  • Freshly Picked Roses (Standard Kit) (+$36)
  • Freshly Picked Roses (Video Link Only) (+$15)

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