Police Community...Police Family
Many times, it goes unnoticed how much law enforcement does for our communities to not only keep us safe, but provide community enrichment programs as well. Many officers go above and beyond the typical ‘call of duty,’ and we rarely hear about it. However, that may be a good thing when we don’t.One police detective of the KCKPD went above and beyond to help fellow officers on May 9, and ultimately, by lending an extra hand on a call, ended tragically for Detective Brad Lancaster. The outpouring of support by the police community was incredible, and wonderful to see amongst the negativity that is portrayed through the media. Seeing this, we wanted to be able to support Detective Lancaster’s family and give back to the police family as a whole. On June 8, we held a Painting it Forward event in honor of Detective Lancaster with proceeds going to the Memorial Fund for his family. The response we received was overwhelming. We had police captains, sergeants, officers, deputies, dispatchers, spouses and friends of metro area police departments come out to support the Lancaster family. Seeing people from this community come together to support one of their own shows that it’s not just an industry profession or community, it’s a family - a family that supports one of its own. We feel honored to have been able to be part of this family for the night, and celebrate a man’s life through art. Because of the support we received for this fundraiser, we raised $2,000 for the Lancaster Family. Thank you to everyone who attended this event, we couldn’t have done it without you. And, thank you to all of the men and women of law enforcement and all you do to keep our communities safe.