Mystic Moonlight

Mystic Moonlight

No matter what time of the year it is, you can dream of being on this beautiful mystic island. Relaxing under the glowing moon and stars you will never want to go back to reality.

Number of Guests:

Choose your adventure:

Recorded Videos

Creativity wherever you are! Purchase just the link to view the video for 30 days or select the kit option you want if you need supplies. Each kit includes video link, paper palette plates, Canvas, paint, disposable apron and instructions to set up your paint station. Kits are available with or without brushes. Large kits include a 16"x20" canvas or 10"x30" canvas. Small kits include an 11"x14" canvas.

Supply Pickup:
Mon-Fri 11am-4pm
You can also pick up any time there is a public class shown on our calendar (typically Thursday and Friday night, Sat and Sunday throughout the day)

Access to video links: You MUST sign in through the link within 7 days. You will have access to view the video for 30 days after.

  • Mystic Moonlight (Video Link Only) (+$20)
  • Mystic Moonlight (Large Kit with Brushes) (+$36)
  • Mystic Moonlight (Small Kit with Brushes) (+$29)
  • Mystic Moonlight (Small Kit without Brushes) (+$27)
  • Mystic Moonlight (Large Kit without Brushes) (+$34)

Lightbox Trigger