Break Out Of A Creative Rut
If you’re an artist, you’ve probably been there at some point: You’re staring at a blank page or canvas, wondering where to start.......
With just a few simple, proven techniques, you can boost your brain power and break free from the rut!
Remember to try and embrace the creative block you’re in, no matter how much you may hate it. Ignoring it and putting your mind towards other things, many times, leads to leaving your art, altogether. Don’t shy away from your passion and creative outlet, take hold of your brilliantly artsy mind and put it to good use.
Here’s how:
1- Give yourself some rules.
*Allow yourself to have some guidelines for creating art. This allows you to challenge yourself, while giving you ideas for a starting point. Tell yourself you can only use certain materials to create your painting; If you’re writing, perhaps that means starting with a specific prompt or scenario or as poets often do, using the constrains of a set form of writing to get started. If you’re designing something, this could mean limiting yourself to a certain color, shape or material.
“We need to first be limited in order to become limitless,”
2- Don’t overthink it.
*Stop concentrating so hard. Sitting in front of your easel or at your desk, staring at your piece, won’t do much but aggravate you or add to your stress. Try and surround yourself with other creative, positive, and beautiful things. Go for a walk, visit a museum, read some poetry, and more! Aside from helping to remove stress, those environments and outlets can help to inspire your own creativity. Draw inspiration from the world around you!
3- Change up your routine.
*Routines can be great for your health, both mental and physical, but sometimes, they need a boost. While you want to maintain your daily routine for things like sleep and food, perhaps it's the other activities you participate in, that could be in need of a switch, to help push you. If you always visit the same website, watch the same tv shows, read the same paper, try to change around all of those for new perspective.
((Travel is an excellent way to switch around the routine and find perspective, of your able to!! Even a weekend trip could do the trick!!))
4- Force yourself to come up with new ideas.
*Sit down with a pen and paper, and write! Stop after 10....50....even 100 ideas, and see what you have. Just scribble down thoughts of new concepts or projects (even just some words), and don't overthink it. This is a process, much like free-flow writing, where you just write things that come to mind to get all of those pent-up thoughts out in the open. Maybe you just need to visually see what your brain in thinking, to put together ideas for your next creative endeavor.
5- Talk about it.
Discuss any project ideas you may have with friends. They’ll hold you accountable and saying it out loud makes it seem more real. Hang with other creative minds and bounce ideas off one another. Taking time to talk about your passion with others who share those passions, may help everyone to be more creative, work together, and have each other’s backs!
It’s not only artists that can experience a creative rut. Anyone can, really. Especially, anyone who is a leader can have similar issues. A teacher may have trouble coming up with a new class project or lesson idea; a corporate boss may have issues, developing a new concept or way to approach a problem; and more....
Most people are creative, in some sort of way, everyday in the their lives. Whether it’s cooking with a new recipe, creating a Halloween costume for their kids, planning a party, or designing the family photo for their Holiday cards, people use their right brain, creative function! Think about ways or times you may have experienced a rut, to help recognize when it happens, next time! With a list of ideas, you’ll be able to fight against it and get back to your old self in no time!
101 Ways to Break Out Of A Creative Rut:
Here, at Pinot's Palette, we want to help you with that creative rut! We offer 2-3 hour painting classes, where the painting is already selected and an artist will help guide you through it, step by step! These classes are perfect for the first-time artists, and for those who want to try out there creative side for a bit! These classes would also serve as a perfect way to help someone break free from their own creative rut! Giving your mind over to something that is artistic, but already planned out, helps aid in the part where you have to come up with your own ideas for your artwork... Just apply your own ideas and technique to the painting, as see where it takes you!
View our website, see what classes we have scheduled for the next few weeks, then sign up for a class! Come paint,drink, and have fun with a painting class at Pinot's Palette, Edwardsville!
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