No Right. No Wrong. Just Art.
The beauty of art is that there’s no right or wrong. Whichever way you paint the picture, you’re still painting the picture, so enjoy it and let it mean something to YOU.
There are ways that are easier.
There are techniques which will make your tools or supplies last longer.
There are ways to get closer to the results you intended.
There are the ways the manufacturer may have intended the product to be used.
There is the way you were taught.
There is the way most people do it/use it.
There is the safe way.
There is the way that works for you.
Don't ever let anybody -- you, the product packaging, a friend, a teacher, an expert -- tell you that there's a right and wrong when making art. You can certainly listen to the advice of other artists who've learned from their own experiments over time. However it's your own experience that will bring you closer to creating the kind of art you want to.
Think back to your school days when you took Math, English, and History where the answers were always ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’?
Remember again, those same days when art class was one of the best days of the week! It allowed you a break from tests, words, and numbers and allowed you to be free. It’s the same in real, adult life too. Any other hobby you attempt, there is a right or wrong way to do it.
Add too much of one ingredient to your recipe, and you’ve got a very different result than intended; Run the lines of your sewing machine needle anywhere you heart guides you, and you’ve got a very unfunctional piece of clothing; Play a board game the way you feel like you want to play it, and you end up with a group of people who never want to play a game with you again. :-)
THIS is why we love our work at Pinot’s Palette so much. Here, we encourage you to relax (with the help of a little ‘liquid creativity’, of course), spend time with loved ones, and paint the way you want!
So what if the painting at the end of the class looks completely different from everyone’s elses? If that’s the case, we can pretty much guarantee that you will get comments and compliments from others in the class on how much they love your version.
We’re all our own worst critics, and the older we get, the harder we seem to be on ourselves. When it comes to art, it’s beautiful but its a visual expression of how we feel inside. Chaos, perfection, bright and colorful, or dark and devoid of color. Heavy lines, quick brushstrokes, something personal added into the painting, and so on…
We see it all at the studio and we LOVE it.
Remember: Part of the beauty of art lies inside that freedom from the confines of what’s right or wrong.
If you fail to find the freedom of that, then you lose the beauty of it.
In other words, when you're lost in a pursuit of perfection and driving yourself mad with an inability to “get it right,” you're losing the beauty of what it is in the first place.
Whether you’re joining us for a class or creating some artwork of your own in a sketchbook at home, remember that there is no right or wrong way to make art.
Making something so far out there and unique that no one has ever seen before, actually works well.
Just think of artists like Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, and Georgia O’Keeffe. Wildly misunderstood in their time, but they created art that is now beloved, studied around the world, and worth millions.
Join us for a class and remember to ENJOY IT, rather than putting pressure on yourself to make your work of art just like everyone else’s…
Everyone is different from one another and the proof of that lies in the photo we take at the end of each class, where every individual artist is holding their own masterpiece, proudly displaying their handiwork for all to see and admire!
See you soon.