The Money Saving Queen Visits Pinot's Palette - Cherry Street
Party & Paint at Pinot's Palette
Last night, we held a Money Saving Queen Appreciation party for those who have helped over the years. It was a BLAST and I wanted to show off some pics from the party plus give you a 10% discount to Pinot's Palette so you can book your next girl's night or date night!
If you haven't been to Pinot's Palette, you're missing out! Last night was my first time and I'll tell you what, it was WAY fun! You can bring your own food so we had our party catered by Arby's. You can buy drinks there if you'd like though. Since it was our party, I was able to pick the picture we were painting that night.
The artist then stands at the front of the room and literally takes us step by step through the painting. It's like 'paint by number' only without the numbers and it means EVERYONE will be an artist by the time you leave!