Disconnect to Reconnect
Instagram is a wellspring of style tips and cute dog pictures. Smart phones give us freedom to leave home or work without worrying about missing an important message. And smart TVs can turn a rainy afternoon into paradise.
In the United States in the 21st century, we are habitual phone checkers, absentminded TV watchers, thoughtless social media scrollers. We have all these sneaky little devices that ring and ping and ding at us for attention. It’s cutting into our relationships, stealing away time that could be much better spent.
Because multitasking is how most people get by in a life run by commutes, deadlines, homework and chores, true quality time has become scarce. We convince ourselves that incessant checking in is somehow related to productivity – we’re checking work email, messaging old pals on social media, coordinating weekend plans, making sure we’re not missing anything.
Of course, we are missing something. We’re distracted, not productive. And the things we’re distracted from are the things that matter to us most: personal serenity, health, our closest friends and dearest family members. The people who are right in front of us all the time, but who can’t get an hour of our undivided focus.
If this all sounds a little dramatic, try turning off your digital devices for a whole day and see how often the urge to “check in” comes up. Replace that urge with talking to and listening to your partner. As many veterans of successful relationships will tell you: It’s the little things that make all the difference.
Over the next few weeks, we’re going to write about a variety of ways to make it easier to disconnect from your screens and reconnect with your people. We want to live in a world where people spend more quality time with the people they love. This is your challenge: Spend at least one screen-free day with your significant other in the coming month.
As always, a truly wonderful place to reconnect with your special someone is Pinot’s Palette. A relaxed atmosphere, a little music, a lot of art, your preferred beverage, and a great opportunity to talk and make new memories with the love of your life… or someone you just love a whole lot.
We won’t collect your mobile devices at the door, but we do recommend leaving them at home or at least turning them off. The best reconnections happen when you disconnect from the stuff that doesn’t truly matter.