Freshly Picked Roses

Freshly Picked Roses

There's nothing like a bouquet of freshly picked roses to give to that special someone. Give the gift of forever flowers to the one you love or create this painting for your own home--either way it's a win!

Number of Guests:

Choose your adventure:

Recorded Videos

Paint at your own pace! Easily follow along with a Pinot's Palette artist.
Your confirmation email will include a link to the recorded class where you can watch and follow the instructor from any Internet connected device. You can access the video from any smart device. (Tv, tablet, phone etc).
*** You must log in within 7 days of purchase to activate the link and you can watch the video as often as you like for 30 days after activation. ***
Included in your kit:
Canvas -
• Standard Kit – 16x20
• Large Kit – 11x14
• Small Kit – 8x10
Paint Brushes
Paper Plate "Paint Palette"
Paper towels (for cleaning brushes)
Disposable Apron
Water cup (for rinsing brushes)

Please allow at least three hours after placing your order for pick up. Pick up in studio (curbside/no contact available too). Call the studio to confirm your pick up arrangements (630.338.0278). Studio office hours are Monday, Wednesday – Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. We are closed on Tuesdays. Already have all of your own supplies? Choose the Video Link Only option.

THANK YOU for supporting our Small Business!

  • Freshly Picked Roses (Standard Kit) (+$35)
  • Freshly Picked Roses (Large Kit) (+$30)
  • Freshly Picked Roses (Small Kit) (+$25)
  • Freshly Picked Roses (Video Link Only) (+$15)

Lightbox Trigger