The Lilac City
Feeling antsy for Spring to arrive? Get inspired with some Lilac City facts!While Spokane is famous for its beautiful lilacs, garnering the nickname The Lilac City, it wasn’t until 1906 that the first bushes were introduced to the area. Planted in Manito Park, they were the two tiny buds that would be the beginnings of the Lilac Garden. These days, the garden boasts over 100 cultivars from 23 different species in shades of white, pink, violet and, of course, lilac!
These fragrant flowers quickly became a favourite among the citizens, and now they line nearly every street. In Spring, the scent of lilacs wafts on the breeze and entices people out to enjoy the sun and blossoms. In honor of these bushes, Spokane hosts the Lilac Bloomsday Run, the Lilac Festival and Parade, Lilac City Comicon, and the Lilac City Figure Skating Club, among other notable events and groups.
While we may be the Lilac City, our motto is, “Creative by Nature.” We like to live up to that at Pinot’s Palette! And this month, we’re doing just that on February 21st when we paint ‘Lilacs in a Glass’! It’s the perfect opportunity to show our city’s namesake some creative love!