Apricot Roses

Apricot Roses

Roses can come in a variety of colors and fragrances and each kind can symbolize something special. Rose that have a mixture of yellows and reds to create orange roses are seen as a bridge to friendship. The yellow roses symbolize friendship while red roses represent love. With the colors together, you have a perfect mixture of the start of a new journey with someone special. This beautiful painting represents the beautiful apricots roses and can be a special gift to yourself or to a dear friend. Change up the rose colors for a new special meaning!

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Recorded Videos

This take home art kit includes the following materials: - A two hour video tutorial walking you step-by-step through how to create the painting. The link to the video tutorial will be active for 7 days after purchase. - 16"x20" Canvas - Paint Brushes - Paint - Water Cup - Paper Plates for Art Palettes - Paper Towels ( if you already have brushes you can choose the kit without brushes option, or if you have supplies and just need inspiration you can choose the video only option. )

  • Apricot Roses (Video) (+$15)
  • Apricot Roses (Standard Kit with Brushes) (+$30)
  • Apricot Roses (Standard Kit without Brushes) (+$28)

Recorded Videos

take home kit with instructional video

  • Apricot Roses (Standard Kit with Brushes) (+$30)
  • Apricot Roses (Standard Kit without Brushes) (+$28)
  • Apricot Roses (Video) (+$15)

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