Do Boys Paint?
Paint Night is for girls... or so it's commonly believed. What if I told you that men actually enjoy painting too? Here are some great reasons why Men should paint, especially at Pinot's Palette.
#10. Women! If you're single and looking, there's no better place to meet fun and outgoing women. Even if they are married or in a relationship, they may know of someone who is single and just your type. This goes for LGBTQ as well, almost everyone knows or has friends/family in the community.
#9. Stress Reduction! Many studies have shown that painting reduces stress. Imagine spending 2-3 hours enjoying good music, sipping on a delicious glass of wine, and having fun in a stress-free environment surrounded by like-minded individuals having a good time. We provide all the materials you're going to need and walk you through the painting step-by-step. No previous art experience is required.
#8. Bro-Time! There are only so many games of Poker a man can take, and while the bar/club scene can be fun, it does little to foster strong and healthy friendships that last a lifetime.
#7. Competition! Okay, this one does kind of counter #9 but in a fun way. Let's face it, painting well can sometimes be a challenge. Bringing your friends can kick-in your competitive streak to see who can paint the best. Of course, you can cheat and come alone ahead of time to get some practice in...
#6. Increase Creativity! Creativity is one of the things that many attribute to the arts, but in actuality, it is incredibly important to all career fields. Creativity helps you solve problems and inspires new solutions or ideas in everyday life, as well as work. How many times have you been stuck on a particular problem or issue at work? Participating in the arts can help you unblock those stuck thoughts, or help to come up with a new solution. This is also a great reason to plan your next team building event as a private party at Pinot's Palette.
#5. Strengthens Relationships! Building off the theme in #8, if you're married or in a relationship, a session at Pinot's Palette can give you 2-3 hours of unplugged engagement with your significant other while actively engaging in a fun and memorable activity. Part of any relationship is building positive memories and moments. Pinot's Palette is also a favorite location to "Pop the Question", let us help you plan for your moment!
#4. It can get you out of the doghouse... Nothing says I'm sorry like the commitment of spending 2-3 hours of quality time in a fun and enjoyable environment. Of course, the wine doesn't hurt either!
#3. It'll make you more interesting! True story, when engaging in casual conversations you can mention the fact that you paint as a hobby and see how many people react and think how talented you must be.
#2. It can make you a better Father. Finding activities where you can spend quality time with your children, unplugged from cell phones, has become increasingly difficult. Painting at Pinot's Palette can give you 2-3 hours of quality moments and memories with your children that will last a lifetime, and at the same time, give you a memento to commemorate your experience with.
#1. It's Fun!!! Think back, how long has it been since you've done something fun? If it's been more than a week or two, schedule yourself and a friend for a class using the below buttons!