The cost is $35 per person for a 2-hour painting. $45 per person for a 3-hour painting. And a $99 event fee which includes an artist and bartender assigned to your event. (The event fee is waived with 15 or more painters.)
Each individual team member will contribute to a large 3x4' canvas with a pre-sketched design. In the end you'll have a large statement piece to hang in your office. You can add this option to any other teambuilding option.
No one except the artist knows what the finished painting will look like! Painters must trust that their artist is leading them in the right direction, and watch as each step brings their masterpiece to life.
An active and fun option with a competitive edge. After the artist gives a few steps painters are asked to switch canvases with their neighbor. Painters are asked to switch until everyone has contributed to each other's canvases. In the end, they are back at their original canvas. For those who may be a bit territorial or competitive, it is difficult to “give up” your canvas for everyone else to paint on! This builds trust and tolerance.
This activity connects people through a common thread, but is less invasive than the Musical Painting activity. This fun activity allows everyone to create their own canvas, but also be part of the bigger whole. Each painter will create one block of the painting on an 8x8" canvas. They must work together to make their blocks fit together and form a complete picture.