Disconnect to Reconnect
This Valentine's Day, we will be disconnecting from our beloved technology to reconnect with our loved ones.Disconnect to reconnect is a current theme here at Pinot’s Palette. But what necessarily does that mean? Well, we live in a world where any information is at our fingertips constantly. I use my phone to text, look up recipes for dinner, get the latest news, catch up with friends on Facebook, take pictures, play games, email, check the weather, do math, directions… you get the point. I think the one thing I do the least with my phone is actually call someone.
Answer this honestly, when is the last time you went a whole day without checking your phone? What about a whole hour (and no, sleeping doesn’t count)? So, I guess what I am getting at is that we are so busy occupying our minds with technology that we are oblivious to what is going on right in front of us. How many amazing moments have you missed because you were commenting on Rachel’s picture of her lunch or taking a quiz to find out which character from The Golden Girls you are most like? We are so worried about our internet connection that we have neglected to nurture our human connection. Sure, the internet is very convenient at times but we live in a culture where it has become an acceptable addiction and meanwhile, we are forgetting about what is important. It’s time to turn your roommates back into your family. Make meaningful relationships and create memories with the people in your immediate circle.
With Valentine’s Day approaching, it is a great time to reconnect with your significant other. Bring the romance back and challenge each other to not use social media for the evening. Be intentional about having meaningful conversation and at the end of the night, talk about what you may have missed had you been checking your phone. Maybe it is something you can commit to doing even once a week.
Should you and your sweetie want a fun evening out together to celebrate your love, you can have a phone-free enjoyable evening with us here at Pinot’s Palette during our many love inspired paintings during February. Take time this month to disconnect so you can reconnect.