Making a Change
In recent months, I have had an overwhelming feeling of grief for our world. It seems as though everyday there is a new tragedy somewhere that involves suffering. Whether it be hurricanes, violence, earthquakes, war, hunger, everyone seems like they could use help in one way or another. It leaves an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.I realized that the only way I can fill that pit is to take action. Now, I may not be able to solve world hunger, but I can certainly volunteer my time in my own community. I may not be able to free those being oppressed in other nations, but I can go home and love my family and be grateful for my own freedom. I cannot change Mother Nature’s course, but I can donate what I can to support the relief efforts to the areas affected. I guess what I am saying is although my efforts may seem minuscule when looking at the big picture, I can do things from home that make me feel less helpless. A big change happens when a lot of people make little changes.
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” - Mother Theresa