'Painting it Forward' to Pawtastic Friends
We're having a painting PAWty to raise money for Pawtastic Friends! On Wednesday, March 21 we are 'Painting it Forward' to the non-profit dedicated to providing programs for abandoned dogs in our community.Pawtastic Friends' hope and mission is to help as many dogs acclimate to finding their forever home through their Enrichment Training Scholarship Program. That program allows the community to sponsor a shelter dog to attend enrichment training. After each session, the sponsors are sent an update and pictures, allowing the sponsor to engage and share the dog's journey to his/her happily ever after.
The organization also provides toys, food, and supplies to help bring comfort and love to shelter dogs currently living in our community.
If you would like to help raise funds for Pawtastic Friends, come paint 'Pinot in Paradise' with us.
The class begins at 7 p.m.
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