Request a Painting Pop-up Class!
Is your favorite class sold out?Is your favorite painting offered on a date you can't make it?
Do you have a favorite painting that you've seen on our walls or in our library that you really want to paint and are too excited about it to wait until it appears on our calendar?
Do you have a group that would like a smaller class size but don't have enough people for a private event?
Do you like one of our quirky paintings that doesn't make it onto the calendar very frequently?
If you answered yes to any of these, Request a Painting Pop-up Class may be for you!
How to request a pop-up class:
1.) Pick a painting - Check out our library here: https://www....nting-library
2.) Have at least 4 painters.
3.) Pick a date and time that coincides with a regular public class.
Check out our calendar to see when we have classes already scheduled. https://www....pleton/events
4.) Email your request to
5.) If room, date, and artist instructor are available your request will officially become a pop-up class!
6.) Register for the class online as normal, and we will paint with you soon!
For more detailed information or to officially request a pop-up class email us at